Join us for Worship on Sunday
mornings at 9:00 and 11:00 AM
32801 Electric Blvd.
Avon Lake, OH 44012
To all our recent guests and friends: We are holding our next new member Inquirer's Class on Sunday, February 23 at 4:00. The casual session offers a basic introduction to the history and theology of the United Church of Christ, a conversation with ALUCC staff, and a tour of our facilities. We want to welcome you and answer all those questions you may have.
Our ministry team will be happy to meet with you at any time to show you around our buildings and speak about this church and the wider UCC denomination.
Please write to Tim Schulz, at with your questions about our church and membership.
During the summer, Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend, we worship at 10 AM. Sunday morning worship is at 9 and 11 AM the rest of the year. Usually at 9 AM, our choir sings and the congregation sings hymns, and the 9 AM service features a more traditional liturgy. Usually at 11 AM, we are led in music by our worship band and we offer a message especially for children. At both services, you will hear a sermon based upon a passage of scripture; our pastors share a theological interpretation of the passage and then help connect the passage to our contemporary setting. Sunday School for children ages 3 through 7th grade, and an adult-supervised nursery, are offered at both services. At the family welcome center, near the back door, parents can register their children for Sunday School.
Most people dress informally - you are welcome as you are! Grab a cup of coffee at our Courtyard Cafe before or after worship. Stop by the Welcome Center to ask any questions, sign up for our weekly emails, or just to say hello.
We celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month, and on special occasions. Usually communion is served by “modified intinction”; you are invited up to the front of the sanctuary where you will receive a piece of bread or gluten-free wafer and a cup of juice. All are welcome at our table.
When you enter the sanctuary, you will see our living water baptismal font. You’re invited to touch the water as you enter and exit, as a way to remember your baptism and God’s love for you. In the UCC, most people are baptized as infants, but if you have not been baptized before, you can talk to one of our pastors about becoming baptized - at any age. (We do not re-baptize, but we can reaffirm your baptism in a private ceremony if that would be meaningful to you.)
We welcome all those who are seeking a deeper relationship with God, a life patterned on the ways Jesus taught and lived, and an opportunity to make a difference for good in the world.
We are an Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ.
32801 Electric Blvd.
Avon Lake, OH 44012
Office hours: 10:00 - 3:00 weekdays
Thank you for signing up for our email list! We send a Weekend Update email with events and opportunities coming up in the life of the church. On Saturday, look for our Worship Update email with information about the next day's service. Youth Ministry emails are also send out on Fridays.