We believe that kids should be kids. We believe that every child should feel loved, and know that God loves them.
We believe church should be fun – a place where kids want to be.
Children check in at the Family Welcome Center and then head to worship with their family. After the Children's Message, children are then dismissed to Sunday School where they learn about God and God's relationship with us! Sunday School from Labor Day through Memorial Day is for children in preschool through grade 5. Kids in grade 6 and above can volunteer to help with the Sunday School on Sunday mornings.
Faith formation for kids in grades 6 through 12 continues with our Youth Program, which meets on a weekly basis.
Though Sunday School does happen year round, our Summer Sunday School program is a bit lighter, ending with play time outside when weather permits, or inside in our newly redesigned education wing. The Summer Sunday School program is for children in Preschool through 3rd grade.
Our Sunday School program operates on a two-year paradigm, covering most of the bible in those two years.
Nursery - For those younger than preschool age, we offer nursery care during worship. Our nursery is staffed with volunteers every Sunday, and parents can drop off their children before the worship service begins.
Family Lounge - We have a Family lounge located right off of the sanctuary as a comfortable alternative to sitting in the sanctuary with your children. Of course, Children are always welcome in the sanctuary! Worship services are live-streamed into the Family Lounge.
Special Needs - Looking for a place where you can bring a family member who has special considerations? We want to be there for you and your child - our education wing was redesigned with your child in mind, with features that help us accommodate your needs. Because every child's needs are different, we urge you to contact us to discuss and special considerations you may have so that we can help you and your child be as comfortable as possible. Our staff members have specialized training, and we want to be there for you. Contact our Christian Education Coordinator, Eileen Zakel, for more information.
Safety and security - We take the safety and security of your children seriously here at ALUCC. The education will was redesigned in 2021 with an emphasis on safety. All children are checked in and can only be picked up by an approved adult. The Sunday School program happens in a secure area of the church not accessible to the general population. In addition, all of our Sunday School staff and volunteers undergo background checks and adhere to our Safe Church Policy guidelines.
VBS, or Vacation Bible School, is the highlight of our Children's Ministry program in the summer months here at ALUCC!
This dynamic and exciting half-day program focuses on teaching the messages of a loving God to our children age 4 through 10.
VBS isn't just for those 10 and younger - we also provide an opportunity for preteens and teens to learn how to become leaders, as they volunteer to help with various tasks, such as classroom leadership, crafts, science, games and more throughout the week. The ALUCC KIDS Drama Team, made up of kids age 11 through 18, is a big part of the VBS program, taking on the role of teaching the children songs, dances and teaching them the bible stories for the program.
Vacation Bible School typically has between 85 - 120 campers, with 60+ volunteers. While campers are limited to ages 4 through 10, there is no maximum age to volunteer!
VBS typically occurs the second full week of July every year, with signups beginning around Easter for the general public (if there is space available). Because we limit the program size, we do fill up every year, so signing up early is recommended.
Membership is not required to participate. Contact the office or Pastor Beau for more information about the program or to be notified when signups begin.
ALUCC KIDS is another name for the Children’s Ministry at Avon lake United Church of Christ, especially events centered around fellowship and fun. While some churches have youth group for teens, Avon Lake United Church of Christ begins fellowship programs earlier, offering a "youth group" for children in grades 2 and above.
Primary Pandemonium - youth group for children in grades 2 and 3.
Mid-High Mayhem - youth group for kids in grades 4 and 5.
Meeting times vary throughout the year - please check the calendar or reach out for more information
ALUCC KIDS also has a thriving drama program for children in grades 4 through high school. The drama program meets periodically throughout the year, with two main productions - the Christmas Pageant and Vacation Bible School - being the main focus.
All of the ALUCC KIDS programs are open to anyone of the appropriate age, regardless of membership or church affiliation, and friends are always welcome. There is no cost associated with most events. Like all our programs, we share a message of love and acceptance, assuring you that your child will establish a strong and healthy relationship with God and others.
You can register for Sunday School, Fellowship Events and more following the link below!
February 2025
9am Worship Service
11am Worship Service
12pm Annual Meeting
Show all
11am Faith and Fitness
6:30pm Bell Choir Practice
6pm Oberlin Choristers
7pm Book Club
Tim's Birthday
8:30am Mid-Week Meditation
10am L.I.F.E. Memory Café
10:30am Bible Study Group
6pm JH Youth Group
7pm Choir Practice
7:30pm SH Youth Group
8pm Alcoholics Anonymous
Show all
11am Faith and Fitness
6pm Band Practice
11am Mary Fratoe Funeral Service
7pm Alcoholics Anonymous-Open Group
8am Alcoholics Anonymous
9am Worship Service
11am Worship Service
12:30pm Confirmation Class
Show all
11am Faith and Fitness
6:30pm Bell Choir Practice
7pm Stephen Ministers Supervision Meeting
Show all
9am Men's Prayer Group
3:20pm Instant Meeting
6pm Oberlin Choristers
7pm Mental Health Support Group
Show all
8:30am Mid-Week Meditation
10am L.I.F.E. Memory Café
10:30am Bible Study Group
6pm JH Youth Group
7pm Choir Practice
7:30pm SH Youth Group
8pm Alcoholics Anonymous
Show all
11am Faith and Fitness
6pm Band Practice
7pm Hospice of the Western Reserve-Grief Support Grp
Show all
7pm Alcoholics Anonymous-Open Group
8am Alcoholics Anonymous
9am Worship Service
10am Confirmation Visit
11am Worship Service
1pm JHST Team Meeting
5pm JH/SH Super Bowl Party
Show all
11am Faith and Fitness
6:30pm Bell Choir Practice
6:30pm Faith Formation Team Meeting
6:30pm YM Adult Volunteer Team Meeting
Show all
6pm Oberlin Choristers
6:30pm Band Practice
7pm Membership Meeting
7pm Finance Team
7pm Mission Team
Show all
8:30am Mid-Week Meditation
10am L.I.F.E. Memory Café
10:30am Bible Study Group
12pm Primetimers Luncheon
6pm JH Youth Group
7pm LIFT Women's Group
7pm Choir Practice
7:30pm SH Youth Group
8pm Alcoholics Anonymous
Show all
11am Faith and Fitness
7pm Alcoholics Anonymous-Open Group
8am Alcoholics Anonymous
2pm Haven Center Dinner Prep
9am Worship Service
11am Worship Service
11am Confirmation Visit - Sikh Temple
Show all
11am Faith and Fitness
6:30pm Bell Choir Practice
6:30pm Primary Pandemonium
7pm Endowment Meeting
Show all
6pm Oberlin Choristers
7pm Caregiver Support Group
7pm Worship Team Meeting
Show all
8:30am Mid-Week Meditation
10am LIFE Memory Cafes
10:30am Bible Study Group
6pm JH Youth Group
7pm Council Meeting
7:30pm SH Youth Group
8pm Alcoholics Anonymous
Show all
11am Faith and Fitness
6:30pm Band Practice
7pm Alcoholics Anonymous-Open Group
8am Alcoholics Anonymous
9am Worship Service
9am Confirmation Visit
11am Worship Service
4pm Inquirer's Class
Show all
11am Faith and Fitness
6:30pm Bell Choir Practice
6pm Oberlin Choristers
7pm Book Club
8:30am Mid-Week Meditation
10am LIFE Memory Cafes
10:30am Bible Study Group
6pm JH Thrift Shop
7pm Choir Practice
7:30pm SH Thrift Shop
8pm Alcoholics Anonymous
Show all
11am Faith and Fitness
6:30pm Band Practice
11am Red Cross Blood Drive
7pm Alcoholics Anonymous-Open Group
8am Alcoholics Anonymous
Our Children's Ministry team is made up of more than 30 volunteers trained to help your child experience God and the church in a way that is positive and life-giving. Though there are too many volunteers to list here, we value each and every person who dedicates time and energy into the program!
We have two staff members who oversee the program - if you have any questions or want to know more, please don't hesitate to reach out so we can answer them.
As the Minister for Children and Families here at Avon Lake United Church of Christ, I have made it my goal to provide engaging and fun curriculum and fellowship activities for children.
When I was raising my two children, (now teenagers) I saw how difficult it was to find a worshiping community where my children could feel loved and accepted for who they are. ALUCC KIDS was developed specifically to be a program that really focuses on God’s extravagant and inclusive love for all people.
Our fellowship programs are always in a state of growth and development. We provide a safe environment that allows kids to be kids. Together with our parent resources, we hope to provide a comprehensive program that helps families get the most out of this important stage of their lives.
I really want you to know that you are welcome here at ALUCC. If there is anything I, or the church, can do for you, simply reach out to let me know!
I am excited to serve the children of ALUCC! I have been a member of ALUCC since 2007 and have served as a Sunday School teacher, Nursery volunteer, VBS volunteer, and served 3 years on the Faith Formation Team before becoming Christian Education Coordinator.
I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education and Education of the Handicapped from the University of Dayton and a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Bowling Green University. I am currently an Intervention Specialist in North Ridgeville City School District. I have three children who keep me very busy. In my spare time I enjoy reading and relaxing.
We welcome all those who are seeking a deeper relationship with God, a life patterned on the ways Jesus taught and lived, and an opportunity to make a difference for good in the world.
We are an Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ.
32801 Electric Blvd.
Avon Lake, OH 44012
Office hours: 10:00 - 3:00 weekdays
Thank you for signing up for our email list! We send a Weekend Update email with events and opportunities coming up in the life of the church. On Saturday, look for our Worship Update email with information about the next day's service. Youth Ministry emails are also send out on Fridays.